First EOSC Stakeholder Forum - The EOSCpilot project: future goals, collaborations and the EOSC

21 Dec 2017

First EOSC Stakeholder Forum - The EOSCpilot project: future goals, collaborations and the EOSC

In this video interview Juan Bicarregui, STFC & EOSCpilot coordinator talks about EOSCpilot, future goals for the project's second year and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC):


EOSC is all about enabling the sharing of technology, resources and data across different disciplines. To do that you need to collect the views of all different communities and service providers in order to bring together the key building blocks. Gradually and incrementally these can be brought together to create the EOSC.


The video was recorded at the first EOSC Stakeholder Forum, organised by EOSCpilot in The Square, Brussels, on 28-29 November 2017.


Video created and edited by LIBER Europe.