D4.1: Science Demonstrator Engagement Model

15 Sep 2017

D4.1: Science Demonstrator Engagement Model

The Science Demonstrators play an essential role as early adopters of EOSC from a range of science areas. Their input will be used to drive and prioritise the integration of the EOSC services in a common homogeneous platform.
To achieve this goal, an engagement model for the science demonstrator has been developed and is proposed in this document which provides guidelines to structure the interaction between selected science demonstrators and the EOSCpilot project.
The interaction between the Science Demonstrators and the EOSCpilot is categorized in five phases: funding model, initialisation, execution, reporting and feedback, and Review and improvement of the engagement model.
During the initialisation phase, a work plan and roadmap will be developed which provides the guideline for the execution phase. A template for the work plan is provided. For reporting and provisioning of written feedback by science demonstrators, a general template has been developed. Three reports are proposed: an initial, an middle, and a final report. Other WPs are invited to provide specific questionnaires to be added as attachments to the report template in due time.


Status: Approved by the European Commission

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