D8.5: EOSC Stakeholder Engagement Report

05 Apr 2019

D8.5: EOSC Stakeholder Engagement Report

This document reports on the engagement activities undertaken in the EOSCpilot project and highlights good examples of engagement per stakeholder category. Intentional overlaps exist in certain categories, because a need for interconnection and active dialogue between stakeholder categories was identified early on as a significant issue for successful engagement.

This report details the outcomes of the engagement activities throughout the project, following the structure of D8.2 Stakeholder Identification & Engagement Strategy Plan. It provides best practices of engagement by Stakeholder Group, as initially identified and mapped in the first period of the project. The report concludes with a set of recommendations for engagement of the EOSC stakeholder groups after the end of the EOSCpilot project.


- Status: Submitted to the European Commission

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