This week's internal newsletter provides updates on activities carried out by WP3, WP5, WP6, WP7 & WP8. Topics covered include an update of the ongoing work for each WP, Deliverables, progress on FAQs, website updates and upcoming events.
WP3 - Policy
- T3.1: significant reviewer feedback on D3.3 documents received and is being addressed by the team
- Reviewer feedback awaited on updated version of Open Science White Paper (one of the four supporting documents for D3.3)
- Draft survey has been compiled based on policy recommendations current draft
- D3.3 work and survey presented at WP5/6 workshop in Amsterdam on 23 May – raises awareness of the work and encourages responses
- Survey Monkey survey will be compiled based on full set of draft recommendations once D3.3. finalised
- Workshop in consideration for next phase of work (D3.6) but would require budget
- T3.2: work on track for D3.5 (Open Science Policy Toolkit). Reviewers will be nominated shortly
- Work progressing for D3.4 (OS Policy Registry)
- WP3 (Dale and Per) will take part in the panel session on the Rules of Participation at the EOSC Summit on 11 June
WP5 - Services
- Preparations for delivery 5.3 are well underway. Expected to send it to internal reviewers week 3 of June
- Workshop in Amsterdam 22 - 24 May (9 persons followed the FitSM foundation course, 29 persons visited the workshop)
- Interaction of WP5 with representatives of WP2, WP3 and WP6
- Content discussion for deliverable 5.3
- Procedures on the project wide work on the glossary
- Planning of project extension content (with WP6)
- Select, analyse and model EOSC workflows (from science demonstrators and other communities)
- WP5 will focus on access and use from service management perspective, WP6 on protocols, standards, best practice from the interoperability perspective
- Overflow of deliverables to January
- Add concluding (project) event in March
WP6 - EOSC Interoperability
- Workshop in Amsterdam with WP5, 2 and 3 (May 23/24):
- Discussion about overlap / interfaces between the e-infra architecture and the services architecture:
- definition of fundamental services in e-infra architecture to be communicated to / integrated in services architecture
- Common workflows as examples to give examples for the architectures (probably PanCancer, Pico2, Prominence)
- Usage of the common glossary
- WP6 progress discussion:
- Produce first version of the final e-infra architecture before the summer
- Identify individuals from our WP6 partners (and some external) to help with improving the document
- D6.5 “Interim Interoperability Testbed Report” has been reviewed and is now being finalised
- D6.6 (2nd Report on Data interoperability) should be on time, probably also D6.7
- Not sure whether we organise another data interoperability workshop
WP7 - Skills
- WP7 participated in the joint WP5/WP6 workshop. We confess that we didn't get the clarity we had hoped for on how current and future skills and training provision might be represented in the service architecture and catalogue. That uncertainty will be reflected in our forthcoming deliverable (D7.3) draft, to be completed next week. In the slightly longer term we have a consultation with RI training providers proposed, and will seek clarification from relevant WP5 task leads on the options we should invite their responses on
- WP7 would also appreciate WP5 feedback on selected parts of D7.3 (Skills and Capability Framework). More specifically, comments would be appreciated from relevant task leads on:
- the skills gaps we identified from the Science Demonstrator pilots, to check none are missing
- our user stories format, to check it is usable and potentially useful. It is intended for service providers to describe the skills that will be uplifted by using their service, and enable them to link to relevant learning resources
- WP7 have fed back comments on the mid-project review to the coordinators for consolidation and transmission to the project officer
- WP7 is selecting which future events we can support within the project budget; we are committed to a further workshop and the stakeholders forum but others (such as DI4R) may be dependent on partners who can also draw funding from EOSCHub, Openaire-advance and similar projects with a training component
- D7.3 is still on target to go to internal review in early June, although some sections are proving challenging
WP8 - Engagement and Communication
- Recommendations and comments from Review: responses on how we envision to address the recommendations for WP8 have been produced.
- ICT2018: a proposal for a networking session focussing on lessons learned and recommendations from selected SDs has been submitted
- Website:
- GDPR alignment: Privacy Policy and data management system of the EOSCpilot website have been revised to be compliant with GDPR
- Factsheet for SDs: a first template has been shared and agreed with WP4. Start collecting contents from the SDs
- EOSC FAQs: first set of Q&A embedded on the website at the following link: To be published by this week
- New banners announcing the EOSC Summit and the Second Stakeholder Forum have been published on the website
- New landing page for the Science Demonstrators is under development
- Working on a new (more EOSC-Centric ) structure of the website
- Stakeholder Forum: first draft of the concept paper with scope and purposes has been circulated - waiting for feedback
- Consultation Platform on the Rules of Participation for EOSC is under development
- Finalizing a dedicated outreach strategy for Science Demonstrators on Social Media
- Finalizing the organization of the Funders and Intermediaries workshop - No registrations from EOSCpilot participants so far
- Started planning the workshop for Scientific Communities in late October
- Future Events:
- Social Media: 62 original tweets, 128 tweets in total (including retweets) and 7 LinkedIn posts in the last three weeks
- Newsletter: 2 internal newsletters in the last three weeks