Speakers & Panellists

19 Nov 2018

Stefan Hanslik

Stefan Hanslik, Ph.D., Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research , Head of Unit Technical Science. Delegate: Euratom Programme Committee (‘Fission’ configuration), OECD-Working Party on Biotechnology, Council of ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), High Level Group of EU Member States and Associated Countries on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials. Expert: PC-NMPB (=Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology, Advanced manufacturing and processing), PC-Research Infrastructures, member of the ERC-FET-MSCA Programme Committee.

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15 Nov 2018

Jennifer Edmond

Dr Jennifer Edmond is Associate Professor of Trinity College Dublin and the co-director of the Trinity Center for Digital Humanities. She holds a PhD in Germanic Languages and Literatures from Yale University, and applies her training as a scholar of language, narrative and culture to the study and promotion of advanced methods in and infrastructures for the arts and humanities.

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15 Nov 2018

Achim Streit

Prof. Dr. Achim Streit is the director of the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) and professor for computer science at KIT since mid-2010. He is responsible for the Big Data and e-infrastructure activities at SCC – both hardware and software as well as R&D activities. He is coordinating the Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF) – the first generic federated data infrastructure in Germany – and co-coordinating the Helmholtz Analytics Framework (HAF) R&D project.

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15 Nov 2018

Jean-Francois Perrin

He has been strongly involved in all ILL projects regarding data policy, data management and related services since 2008. He has gained experience and international contacts due to his dedicated involvement in the previous EU projects (PANData-Europe, PANData-ODI, CRISP, …). He will now be in charge of the collaboration with the e-Infrastructure inside the PaNOSC project in order to jointly build EOSC and make it effective for the scientific communities.




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15 Nov 2018

Petr Knoth

Dr. Petr Knoth leads the KMI’s Big Scientific Data and Text Analytics group. He is the founder, product and team leader for CORE, which is a service that aggregates millions of open access articles from around the world and makes them available for people to search and machines to text-mine. Previously, he worked as a Senior Data Scientist at Mendeley on information extraction and content recommendation for research. He has a deep interest in the use of AI to improve research workflows.

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15 Nov 2018

Sergei Yakneen

Researcher and technology leader in the fields of cancer genomics, bioinformatics, distributed systems, and cloud computing. Currently at EMBL, Heidelberg, he has over 15 years of industry experience in leading the development of globally distributed large-scale enterprise information systems in domains as diverse as Governance, Risk, and Compliance, Operations Management, and e-commerce, at companies like Amazon.com.

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22 Nov 2018

Federica Rosetta


As Director Global Strategic Networks(Europe) at Elsevier, Federica leads on strategic initiatives and external collaborations with stakeholders in the academic community in Northern Europe and EU. In this capacity, her primary focus is on all matters related to Open Science, research policy and innovation. Her experience in Scholarly communications, earned in fifteen years at Elsevier, spans marketing communications, publishing and business development. Her passion for Publishing traces back to her Master's degree in Literature, Press and Publishing History.


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22 Nov 2018

Jurry de la Mar


Account Director for International Research and Space Programs in T‑Systems since 2008, Jurry de la Mar. Before that he had responsibility for projects with EU Institutions in Europe e.g., infrastructures for public administrations and policy programs and was responsible for the business unit in South East Asia. He joined the Deutsche Telekom Group in 1994.

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22 Nov 2018

Shaun Cairn​s


With over 25 years of experience in the global telecommunications industry from early stage research, full product development and network roll-outs around the world. Before joining GÉANT Shaun held various Directorships in several membership-based research and industrial organisations.  He is a registered UK Parliament and Science Advisor and an Industrial Representative to the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Shaun holds Masters and MBA degrees.





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