The BlueBRIDGE Competitive Call for SMEs
The H2020 BlueBRIDGE project has just launched a Competitive Call for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) operating in the fisheries, marine, environmental, ecological and aquaculture). The scope of the call is to support 5 SMEs in solving data management issues by using, completely free of charge, the BlueBRIDGE services and resources (i.e. datasets, services and technologies, and data analytics). By exploiting the BlueBRIDGE resources, SMEs will be also able to improve their existing data services/products and offer a better service to their customers and to set up new services and therefore enhance their portfolio.
To apply, applicants must download the proposals applications template, complete all its parts and submit the proposal through the online submission portal.
Each proposal is reviewed by three experts selected among the BlueBRIDGE Consortium members, who will assign it a score according to 4 main criteria. The minimum threshold to be selected is a score of 70/100.
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