

EOSCpilot workshop: recommendations on Governance and Rules of Participation
29 May 2018

EOSCpilot workshop: recommendations on Governance and Rules of Participation


How European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will be governed is being designed now. EOSCpilot project is in charge of trialing and proposing a stakeholder-driven governance framework for EOSC.

Stakeholders, such as research communities, research institutions, research infrastructures, e-infrastructures, and research funding bodies are invited to debate and pilot the main characteristics of the draft governance framework for the EOSC and to highlight the items for improvement.

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FitSM Foundation Training
22 May 2018

FitSM Foundation Training


IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

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EOSC Governance Development Forum webinar - 17th May 2018
17 May 2018

EOSC Governance Development Forum webinar - 17th May 2018


The EOSCpilot is launching its 9th Webinar dedicated to the Governance objective.

The Webinar will take place online on May 17th at 14:00 CEST.

Topic of the Webinar will be the European Open Science Cloud Roadmap: translating the vision into practice.

Presentation will be given by Athanasios Karalopoulos, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation.

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ENVRI week´s EOSCpilot workshop
16 May 2018

ENVRI week´s EOSCpilot workshop


How European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will be governed is being designed now. EOSCpilot project is in charge of trialing and proposing a stakeholder-driven governance framework for EOSC.

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EOSCpilot at e-IRG workshop 14-15 May 2018
14 May 2018

EOSCpilot at e-IRG workshop 14-15 May 2018



The workshop program will be divided in two main parts: In the first part, the HPC ecosystem will be presented, including presentations about HPC-related issues: microelectronics, supercomputer applications, user perspectives, policy issues. Future and Emerging Technologies Initiatives and their HPC/data needs will also be covered.

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EOSCpilot All Hands Meeting
09 Mar 2018

EOSCpilot All Hands Meeting


The second EOSCpilot All Hands Meeting will take place on 8-9 March 2018 at CNR in Pisa, Italy. The meeting is open to those involved with EOSCpilot work packages, including the science demonstrators. The meeting aims to bring together all those working on the EOSCpilot project, in order to:

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EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale
19 Feb 2018

EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale


The workshop invites trainers and others concerned with skills development to shape the role of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in building data stewardship skills capacity and recognition.  Research institutions, domain-specific infrastructures and e-infrastructures all need to nurture skills to ensure research outputs are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).  

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EOSC Principles of Engagement
24 Jan 2018

EOSC Principles of Engagement


Session Chair: Simon Lambert, STFC

Objectives: Discuss Principles of Engagement to EOSC

This session will present work in progress within the EOSCpilot project to define some principles of engagement in the European Open Science Cloud. In particular, the session will discuss how to engage as a service provider and present the development of a set of guidelines to facilitate the findability and reuse of research data within EOSC.


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Open Science in Ecological and Evolutionary Research
07 Dec 2017

Open Science in Ecological and Evolutionary Research


The data institute (DANS) and the ecological institute (NIOO) of the Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences are committed to open science and organise, together with the University of Amsterdam, a mini-symposium and various workshops on open science, data and tools in ecological and evolutionary research.

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AEGIS group / AAI e-infrastructure meeting
29 Nov 2017

AEGIS group / AAI e-infrastructure meeting


This workshop will offer an interactive session where researchers and research infrastructures present their use-cases and more in general describe how they do their daily work and which obstacles they face to access resources.

Some solutions will be presented in light of benefits they bring to researchers and research infrastructures if adopted, maturity and service models.

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The EOSC Stakeholder Forum: Shaping the future of the EOSC
28 Nov 2017

The EOSC Stakeholder Forum: Shaping the future of the EOSC


Make your voice heard at the first EOSC Stakeholder Forum in The Square, Brussels, on 28-29 November 2017. The event, organised by EOSCpilot, aims at charting a course towards a concrete and sustainable EOSC, identifying first steps on the EU added-value of EOSC and its building blocks to make Europeans do their research better.

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Webinar: A web-application to understand ecologically important seafloor features in Marine Protected Areas
09 Nov 2017

Webinar: A web-application to understand ecologically important seafloor features in Marine Protected Areas


The protection of the marine environment is important to ensure that there are marine resources for future generations. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a key management tool to support the conservation of marine resources. The Convention of Biological Diversity Aichi target 11 states that by 2020, at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas.

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