Which Rules of Participation for EOSC?

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Science Europe Requirements on the High Level Expert Group's Interim Recommendations

Science Europe believes in the development of Open Science in a way that recognises the driving role of scientific communities in shaping and adopting Open Science practices. Science Europe therefore strongly supports the ambitions for the EOSC: to foster the FAIR principles for research data; to ensure the recognition of researchers' data skills; to allow easier replicability of results; to limit data wastage; and, to contribute to clarification of the funding model for data generation and preservation.

Accessibility of data

Universities and other research-performing organisations in the public sector must be provided preferential and easy access to EOSC as these user groups will be the biggest suppliers of data. Universities and other public research-performing organisations also primarily serve society and do not generate commercial revenue from their activities in most cases.

(Submission on behalf of EUA and its Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science)

Incentives to Use EOSC

EOSC will rely on the engagement of (early-career and senior) researchers who both produce and use the content stored on EOSC. These (early-career and senior) researchers will need to be incentivised to both open up their research and use EOSC to open up their research. Simply using EOSC will not be a strong enough incentive for the research community to use EOSC: these (early-career and senior) researchers will need to be rewarded in their research and career assessment for both opening up their research and using EOSC to open up their research.

EOSC for Researchers

EOSC has the potential to be a game changer in opening up access to research and setting an example for the shift towards Open Science in Europe. The development of EOSC has until now mostly focused on the technical infrastructure and service provision and has thus involved mostly infrastructure and service stakeholders. (Early-career and senior) researchers themselves will ultimately be content producers and content users of EOSC and as such need to be consulted as early as possible in the development process of EOSC.

Blockchain for research: a new paradigm as decentralization and participation for EOSC community

An interesting aspect to be explored in EOSC is the role of the Blockchain communication protocol that identifies a technology based on the logic of the distributed database with the data stored on multiple machines linked together, considered as nodes. This methodology could play an important role in research inside EOSC at beyond the current paradigm of scientific communication understood as it is today. Platforms like Ethereum and hyperledger3 allow developers to build applications on a blockchain infrastructure.
