

Astronomy & Astroparticle Physics assets in building the European Open Science Cloud
16 Oct 2017

Astronomy & Astroparticle Physics assets in building the European Open Science Cloud


Despite the success of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), fragmentation across domains still produces repetitive and isolated solutions. In line with the overall ASTERICS – OBELICS objectives, this workshop aims at building bridges between ESFRI projects, concerned scientific communities, e-infrastructures, industries and further consortia, and to call them to action for the implementation of the EOSC for data interoperability in the astrophysics and astroparticle physics related disciplines.

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EOSCpilot data interoperability technical workshop. Data catalogues and datasets in the European Open Science Cloud
04 Oct 2017

EOSCpilot data interoperability technical workshop. Data catalogues and datasets in the European Open Science Cloud


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to provide by 2020 a virtual repository to access data from publicly funded research. The EOSCpilot is a two year project to support the first phase of development of EOSC. The EOSCpilot data interoperability task aims to establish principles, propose recommendations and demonstrate how FAIR data hosted by domain specific data repositories can be exposed to EOSC to be used and reused by EOSC services and users.

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2nd EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum workshop: Drafting Governance Framework and Principles of Engagement for European Open Science Cloud
02 Oct 2017

2nd EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum workshop: Drafting Governance Framework and Principles of Engagement for European Open Science Cloud


EOSCpilot has established a Governance Development Forum (EGDF) to enable all different stakeholders to contribute to the development of the EOSC governance framework. The EOSCpilot Governance Development Forum (EGDF) is mandated to function and support the establishment of the EOSC. This workshop is part of the forum activities.

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 EOSC Service Provider workshop 13-15 Sept. Pisa
15 Sep 2017

EOSC Service Provider workshop 13-15 Sept. Pisa


EOSC Science Demonstrators and Pilots, 13 September 2017, Pisa

This event is the first Service Provider Workshops of EOSCpilot.  It is designed to bring together Science Demonstrators and Service/Resource Providers as well as partners from the Service Pilots and Interoperability tasks to facilitate requirements gathering for EOSCpilot and enable successful delivery to the Science Demonstrators and provide input to EOSC as a whole.

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Open Science Fair, 6-8 September  2017, Athens
08 Sep 2017

Open Science Fair, 6-8 September 2017, Athens


Open Science Fair 2017 (OSFair2017) is having its first opening international conference in Athens, Greece, 6-8 September 2017.

The three-day conference will gather policy makers, funders, publishers and content providers, research infrastructures/communities, researchers, libraries, institutions and innovators, offering unique insights about e-infrastructures and services, policies as guidance for good practices, research flows and new types of activities (disseminate, mine, review, assess, etc.).

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European Open Science Cloud Summit
12 Jun 2017

European Open Science Cloud Summit


On 12 June, the Commission organises the European Open Science Cloud Summit in Brussels.

The summit will be Europe’s moment of commitment to the EOSC and it will generate a number of concrete EOSC Statements for implementation. By reviewing key areas of EOSC implementation and endorsing the EOSC statements, participants will take upon themselves to make the EOSC a reality by 2020.

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